The 10 Most Hated States in America in 2021

The State you live in might be one of the most hated states in America. With over 50 states in the U.S., it’s a guarantee that some of them are going to be clear favorites and others are going to be hated by nearly every American.
10. Wisconsin
Speaking of hate…
Wisconsin, the Dairy State, has also been dubbed the Hater State. It takes the cheese when it comes to having the most racial despair in the entire US.
Education, jobs, and living conditions are sliced anything but evenly in the Land of Cheese. And, the gap isn’t in one generalized location either. It’s a problem all across the state. There are about 5,000,000 white people in the state and only 360,000 black people but there are more blacks living in poverty than there are whites — three out of ten don’t have enough food, and struggle to survive. The average annual income for whites is close to $60,000 while the average for blacks is $29,000.
Not only are things racially polluted in Wisconsin, 90% of the lakes are too. From manure-tainted runoffs to chemicals from rural farms, you might say the water is just full of crap!
A recent study called Wisconsin’s behavior a “Midwest Nice” malfunction. We think their Dairy State is downright sour!
9. Nevada
Nevada is home to Las Vegas, the Gambling Capital of the World. You’d think with the state being lucky enough to rake in the revenue travelers bring to the economy, they’d invest in improvements. Obviously, that’s not in the cards.
Nevada is often called the “Ugliest State in the US” and we have to agree. Not only are there long stretches of desolate desert land where you can’t find gas or a restroom, the state is also infested with drunk drivers and abandoned nuclear test sites too.
Nevada’s sales tax is pretty ugly too. While the current state rate is only 4.6%, local businesses can tack on more, bringing it as high as 8.26%. A trip to Nevada can be taxing indeed. And living there is even worse.
8. Louisiana
Famous for Mardi Gras parties and the best Cajun food in the world, even those things can’t make up for all the bad things about Louisiana. It has the fifth highest violent crime rate in the nation. Over 518 out of every 100,000 people are victimized every year. State and local corruption is so common, an investigation was launched last year. The investigation is ongoing and, unfortunately, so is the corruption.
Louisiana does have a very low cost of living and is culturally diverse. The state has plenty of entertainment to offer tourists too…but those things hardly make up for the high anxiety of being in the midst of high crime. To be on the safe side, avoid Louisiana entirely.
7. Alaska
Alaska is breathtakingly beautiful. All things considered, it can be pretty ugly too though because Alaska has a dark side. Lasting for about two long months, Polar Darkness is a thing in Alaska. It’s hard to appreciate the majestic mountains, awesome coastlines, and amazing landscapes when you can’t see them.
And did we mention…it’s cold too? Alaska has the coldest temperatures in the nation, averaging just 26 degrees but diving as low as -30 at times. An average of 75 inches of snow falls a year. Since it is also the largest state in the US, that’s a lot of cold…and dark.
The cold, dark fact is that Alaska just isn’t a state that’s easy to warm up to.
6. Pennsylvania
When you think of Pennsylvania, you probably think of quaint Amish villages sprinkled with cozy shops and red barns on green rolling meadow farmland. Think again though. Pennsylvania is the worst state for acid mine drainage. More than 2,400 miles of its streams are contaminated.
The air is bad in Pennsylvania too. It ranks right behind California in air pollution with ozone and particle pollution being among the top complaints in the state that’s notorious for its coal and steel industries.
The bottom line is that Pennsylvania is a state that will take your breath away…literally!
5. California
California…the Golden State. Known for its warm weather, beautiful beaches, and the 1948 Gold Rush, California is anything but sunny when it comes to money. Famous for being home to…well, the famous, you almost have to be rich and famous to afford to live (or visit) the state with the cost of living being 38% higher than the rest of the U.S. Houses sell for about $600,000 compared to a $320,000 national average and rent runs just under $2,000 per month instead of $1,200 like you’ll find in most other states.
Sales tax is 7.25%, the highest in the US. That’s not all, Property tax and state income tax are outrageous too. We get the impression there’s still some gold digging going on in California.
4. Texas
Don’t mess with Texas! Seriously! Texas is a place you love…or, you hate and there seems to be a super-sized helping of hate for the state. Texas is the second largest state in the US- stretching across 270,000 square miles. Everything in it is big, including its attitude.
Texas is a gun-toting state where you’re likely to find signs posted like “Gun Control is when you use both hands”. That must explain the old law still in existence that a 24 hour written or spoken notice must be given prior to committing a robbery. Ok…that makes sense.
Texas is confusing — full of mixed messages ranging from overly friendly to downright hostile. When driving in the rural areas, if you don’t wave or give a hand signal to everyone you see, you’ll be labeled as rude. Go to a city, like Houston or Dallas, however, and give a hand signal and you might get shot…and not by the “good ole boys”. The more populated Texas becomes, the more the crime rate is growing in the big cities too.
Texas is just…a big mess. Tip your ten-gallon hat to that, y’all!
3. Washington
Washington is one of the worst states because of…nothing. There’s nothing to see, nowhere to go, and nothing to do. Even the food is bad. No one has spirit in Washington but it’s no wonder enthusiasm is a wash out — in Seattle alone, it rains an average of 152 days a year. A recent report revealed that half of Seattle adults suffer from depression. Go figure!
When the sun does decide to shine, it’s as humid as a marsh. But, it’s not all doom and gloom in Washington though. While many say nothing good has ever come out of the state, we disagree….Starbucks has. Fortunately, there are 46 other states where you can get a double shot choco ice expresso law tay grande mocha since this looser state falls so short.
2. Florida
If you want sunshine, you’ll have to go to Florida. Dubbed the Sunshine State, the sun shines 237 days a year. It’s the third most populated state boasting 825 miles of accessible beaches soaking up the sun. But, the state has some serious bugs…literally. Florida leads the nation as having the worst bug problem in the nation.
There are 12,500 species of insects that call the state home. Biting midges, red fire ants, bed bugs, mosquitoes, Florida carpenter ants, bees, wasps, chiggers and ticks are among the most common creepy crawly pests. As if that’s not enough, alligators and crocodiles roam the swamps and once every six-and-a-half years, a major hurricane slams in.
But, if you decide to take your chances and indulge on the miles of glorious sandy beaches, beware…there were 129 shark bites in Florida just last year.
1. New Mexico
There’s not much going on by the water in New Mexico: probably because there’s not much water. Dry and parched, they say New Mexico only has two types of weather, hot…and hotter. Average summer temperatures are often over 100 degrees.
The cost of living is low in New Mexico but that doesn’t mean much when jobs are as scarce as water. Earning a spot as the 7th worst state for employment, it doesn’t matter how cheap things are if you have NO job and NO money.
Not much grows here in this arid and deserted wasteland either, except tons of cactus and tumbleweeds amongst the rolling sand dunes and massive canyons of empty space. So unless you have a great affection for never seeing any other color but bland bround sand and the occasional green dot, then you might want to take a lesson from the tumbleweed and blow right past this state.
Bonus: New Jersey
Everything is definitely NOT coming up roses in New Jersey, the Garden State. In fact…far from it. So many outsiders hate the state, natives to New Jersey now have a sign that says, “We don’t like you either!”
New Jersey is a melting pot of all there is to hate in a state. It is crowded, expensive, and crime-ridden. It’s also the most densely populated state with natives who are rude and talk funny.
If you think there’s even one good part of New Jersey, you’re wrong. North Jersey is an industrial eyesore while South Jersey is swimming with snobby beaches and overpriced everything.
Every rose has its thorns but the Garden State seems to be nothing but a thorn in the side of the other 49 states.
Photo by Dave Hoefler on Unsplash News


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